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50 RESTRAINT OF TRADE AGREEMENTS IN EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS: TIME FOR PACTA SUNT SERVANDA TO BOW OUT? Karin Calitz Senior lecturer, Department of Mercantile Law, University of Stellenbosch.
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BATRANEASCA is an ''old fashioned dance'' or a dance performed by old men as it literally translates itself. It is a Hora style dance, a type of chain, circle, round or ring dances.
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Catedrala din slanina, 2004 by Dumitru Gorzo. Neo-Expressionism. figurative.
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Click for photos of Amy Winehouse's life and career. Winehouse canceled her European tour last month, and has long struggled with substance abuse. On June 18, Winehouse performed the first.
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In re McE (Appellant) (Northern Ireland) In re C (AP) and another (Appellants) (Northern Ireland) In re M (Appellant) (Northern Ireland) [2009] UKHL 15. LORD PHILLIPS OF WORTH MATRAVERS My Lords, Introduction.
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17 WHAT IS OVERACTIVE BLADDER? The bladder is a muscle which contracts to empty the bladder when it is full and you are ready to empty. An overactive bladder means the bladder.
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The NicAlert saliva and urine drug testing kit detects cotinine levels, the major metabolite of nicotine. Cotinine is the preferred marker for tobacco use because cotinine stays in the body much longer than nicotine.
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